Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Will Wright heads for London's West End

"The PHAAA-ntom of the Opera is there inside your MIND!"

Passive proceduralist and lover of phallic monsters Will Wright will be making an appearance at HMV's flagship store in London's West End on Wednesday 3rd September to promote the release of 'Spore' in the UK.

Fans will be able to ask Will questions like, "Do you REALLY believe in panspermia?" and "What the hell was that stupid panspermia movie with Gary Sinise on Mars all about??"...or something like that, at HMV's 150 Oxford Street store.

The press release doesn't make it clear, but I'd presume he will be signing copies of the game and all that stuff that the kids love. Also, if you bring back your signed copy of the game after September 5th - the day Spore is released in the UK - then you'll get a free Spore t-shirt.

But you'll have to be fast about it all...only 200 wristbands are available from the morning of the event until the 12.30pm start.

...oh, and someone please ask him what the hell 'Sim Ant' was all about. K thanks.

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